Amber Kavehkar
2 min readMar 7, 2021


The Novice Expert: Taking the Moron out of Oxymoron

Why would you want to be an inexperienced beginner instead an expert?

It’s the curiosity for me. It’s the wonder and awe for meee. Everything is being created without an expectation or attachment to how it was or will likely be: it’s freeing. And while boundaries are still real, they exist alongside other alternative pathways. Possibility fills our focus. Attention levels elevate with excitement. But wait, there’s more…

Creativity could be the best friend of curiosity and she a real bad B. Color outside the lines and channel that inner toddler-level zen while here. The capacity to unlock the unspoken and untapped is revived. When creativity and curiosity get together, they usually also link up with the final member of this group, playfulness. This free-flowing power source is often the life of the party and everyone’s best friend.

Curiosity, creativity and playfulness. Name a better energy trio, I’ll wait...

The person equipped with these tools is a truly skilled player, the clever expert open to new ideas, thrilling adventures and endless treasure hunts. However so, these did not align my previous ideas of expert skills. I always considered the expert as the end goal. No longer were truly curious because they knew what was available to know. They no longer sought because they had no reason to. They had answers.

Now I wonder, can the expert be the beginner?

Maybe the expert is the person who really knows they don’t know it all, yet they are willing to bet on their own experience and intuition. The expert in the coaching relationship is the person being coached and they often don’t realize that right away. No surprise right? We are conditioned to learn from others most of our lives. Babies are the real gurus I say, true novice experts.

When I am able to tap into these inner tools, it feels like the meaning of life and I am intelligently enjoying it. So while I still haven’t figured out why am I here, (existing) it’s exploring the questions that keeps me really listening. The mystery of the unknown could bring something good and we can’t rule that out right? The discovery/growth potential is real. Bright idea: Be the baby.



Amber Kavehkar

I facilitate meaningful conversations for rewarding results with people who are ready to transform honesty into clarity. Sound good?